Shale Gas

09. Jan. 2015 blog

Pretending to "fight" against global warming while investing in fracking and nuclear: total nonsense!

The UK Government - which has often proclaimed itself to be a leading country in the fight against climate change - recently published a non-paper on a European Energy Union, calling for a future Energy Union which would allow the country to develop its pro-nuclear, pro-shale gas and pro-CCS agenda. The words "shale gas" appear nine times in eight pages, in three of the five pillars of the energy union...  

07. Oct. 2014 blog

Shale gas in Europe? No fracking way!

This year again, Global Frackdown - an international day of action against fracking, shale gas and the development of unconventional oil and gas - will take place on 11th October. Today two EU NGOs - FOEE and Food & Water Europe - organised an action in front of the European Parliament in Brussels in order to alert European deputies on all the risks concerning shale gas and fracking. The Green Members joined them to show their solidarity with the anti-fracking movement.  

30. Apr. 2014 blog


Shale gas is no longer a 'what if' in Europe. Exploration is underway in several European countries, with huge areas designated for potential fracking. Lech Kowalski's film looks at the reality of unconventional gas exploration in three communities - in Zurawlow, Poland; in Balcombe, UK; and in Pungesti, Romania. When multinational companies impose their agenda on citizens, democracy is called into question and often media does not report any opposition to fracking activities. This film portrays the realities on the ground and tells the story of extreme energy extraction in Europe from the people who stand to lose the most.  

16. Apr. 2014 video


Shale gas is no longer a 'what if' in Europe. Exploration is underway in several European countries, with huge areas designated for potential fracking. Lech Kowalski's film looks at the reality of unconventional gas exploration in three communities - in Zurawlow, Poland; in Balcombe, UK: and in Pungesti, Romania. When multinational companies impose their agenda on citizens, democracy is called into question and often media does not report any opposition to fracking activities. This film portrays the realities on the ground and tells the story of extreme energy extraction in Europe from the people who stand to lose the most.

19. Feb. 2014 newsletter



16. Jan. 2014 blog

The European Commission fails citizens and favours shale lobbies!

This week saw leaked draft recommendations and a draft communication on shale gas from the European Commission circulated widely before their proposed release next week as part of an overall climate and energy package. After months of planning, consultation, studies identifying how legislative proposals are necessary, the Commission has given in to the huge pressure put on them by a handful of fossil fuel companies...  

16. Oct. 2013 video

Join the 2013 Global Frackdown!

The Greens/EFA MEPs want a ban on fracking. They support the Global Frackdown which takes place on 19th October 2013. Hundreds of communities all over the globe are organising actions and events against fracking. For more details see here:

10. Oct. 2013 newsletter



08. Oct. 2013 blog

Greens demand real protection against fracking in Europe!

This Wednesday 9th October the European Parliament will vote on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive. The Greens in the European Parliament want to ensure the best protection for European citizens and the environment.  

20. Nov. 2012 blog

Shale gas: MEPs must listen to their citizens??? demands!

Tomorrow, the European Parliament will vote on two shale gas reports. The Greens/ EFA group call on all Members to listen to their citizens??demands and support a moratorium on hydraulic fracking across Europe...  

19. Sep. 2012 video

Stop the propaganda on shale gas and fracking

Green MEPs took part in a public action together with NGOs in front of the European Parliament today. The action aimed to highlight the health and environment risks of shale gas extraction and fracking, and to increase pressure for an EU-wide moratorium on fracking.

17. Sep. 2012 blog

EP: Fierce backstage battle on the two shale gas reports

This week the European Parliament???s Industry Committee and Environment Committee will vote on reports on the ???industrial, energy and other aspects of shale gas and oil??? and on the ???environmental impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction activities??? respectively. The backstage battle around the two reports is fierce...  

28. Aug. 2012 video

Stoppt Fracking und die Schiefergasf??rderung!

Erdgas wird als effiziente, reichlich vorhandene und CO2-arme Energiequelle gepriesen. Aber eine bestimmte Art der F??rderung, das Hydraulic Fracturing - auch 'fracking' genannt -- erfordert risikoreiche Prozesse, die verheerende Auswirkungen auf Gesundheit und Umwelt haben k??nnen. Beim Fracking wird ein 2-3 km tiefes Loch in Schiefergestein gebohrt. Anschlie??end wird eine toxische Mischung aus Chemikalien, Sand und Wasser unter hohem Druck eingepumpt. Erdgasproduzenten wollen diese Art der Schiefergasf??rderung auf ganz Europa ausweiten.

28. Aug. 2012 video

Ban Fracking and shale gas in Europe before it's too late!

Shale gas, a form of unconventional gas found in shale reservoirs, is now presented as being the new solution to our world's growing energy needs. However, despite the fact that more and more big businesses are pushing for the development of shale gas accross the world, its production poses serious threats to the climate, the environment and to local communities. The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament joined by key European NGOs FOEE, F&W Europe and Heal want to shed light on all the irreversible impacts that could result from the development of this new energy source and call for a immediate ban on fracking and shale gas in Europe... and beyond.

28. Aug. 2012 video

Interdisons la fracturation hydraulique avant qu'il ne soit trop tard!

Le gaz de schiste est aujourd'hui pr??sent?? comme ??tant la nouvelle solution ?? nos besoins ??nerg??tiques croissants. Cependant, si l'on constate que de plus en plus de grandes entreprises font pression pour le d??veloppement de cette nouvelle source ??nerg??tique dans le monde, sa production fait peser de tr??s s??rieuses menaces sur le climat et l'environnement mais ??galement sur les communaut??s locales. Le groupe Verts / ALE au Parlement europ??en, soutenu par les ONGs europ??ennes 'Friends of the Earth Europe', 'Food and Water Europe' et 'Heal', souhaite faire la lumi??re sur tous les impacts irr??versibles qui pourraient d??couler du d??veloppement de cette nouvelle source d'??nergie et appelle ?? une interdiction imm??diate de la fracturaction hydraulique et du gaz de schiste en Europe et au-del??.

23. Apr. 2012 blog

Let`s not frack it all up!

Despite on what is often said, shale gas is clearly not a solution to our ever growing energy needs and its development will even create more problems with dramatic consequences for the environment, health and safety and the climate....  

14. Sep. 2011 blog

Is shale gas really a bridge fuel to clean energy?

If shale gas is presented by certain countries as being a bridge fuel to clean energy, more and more researchers across the globe warn that it may have an even worse climate change impact than coal...