green way out of the crisis

For a bright, sustainable future

A Green way out of the crisis entails a comprehensive economic and social transformation that enables our societies to deliver prosperity, social justice and well being for all, while respecting the physical limits of our planet. This means promoting investment in order to transform our infrastructure and industries, boost education and innovation, strengthen social cohesion and protect our environment as well as our climate.

This vision must be put in place now, while there is still a window of opportunity for avoiding dangerous global warming but also while the costs for implementing them are still reasonably low. Indeed, several key reports have made clear that costs of inaction on climate change would far outweigh the costs involved with meeting greenhouse gas reductions. The Greens/EFA group has therefore developed its own strategy to enable the EU to find the best and most efficient way out of the crisis while reducing its greenhouse gas emissions - the 'Green New Deal'.


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